Maniquí CPR

We have recently designed a full bodied Ruth Lee CPR manikin for use in or out of the classroom. The manikin will allow for realistic CPR training in more difficult situations i.e confined spaces or with the manikin trapped under a vehicle or collapsed building etc. You can imagine your staff coming across this manikin in a situation other than on a first aid course and you tell them he has stopped breathing and needs resuscitation, it will certainly be a surprise and will bring any training scenarios to life!
The manikin was designed around and can be bought complete with the Simulaids Brad torso, but it will accomodate most other manufacturers models if you already have one.
The torso isn't actually fixed to the manikin in any way and can simply be lifted out for cleaning or maintenance. The chest cavity of the manikin is also padded all round to protect the torso when used in difficult situations. The torso is constructed of soft, realistic vinyl plastic over polyurethane foam.
Features include:
  • long torso for realistic abdominal thrusts
  • realistic head tilt and chin lift for opening airway
  • anatomical landmarks including sternum and ribcage plus substernal notch.
  • easily manipulated airway to simulate airway obstruction or choking situations.
The complete manikin weighs 20Kg and includes three disposable / lung airway systems and three channel design mouth / nosepieces.
Full Bodied CPR ManikinFull Bodied CPR ManikinFull Bodied CPR Manikin